Friday, January 28, 2011

Share the Love Food and Toiletries Drive

As the cold weather continues to wilt hopes of ever going barefoot again, we decided to do something to warm hearts and help our communities this February. REMERICA offices are joining forces with the Salvation Army to collect non-perishable food and toiletries for the Salvation Armys food pantry program.

After the holiday season, most charities will tell you they experience a drop in donations. The need can be even greater as folks who used up the little they had in reserve to give their kids a Christmas, face the fact that there is less than ever now that the new year has come.

Speaking with the SA office, we were advised that the need for toiletries like toilet paper, shampoo and toothpaste is great because the Bridge Card that some of our neighbors use for food does not cover these essentials.

So, when you think about Valentine's Day and those you love, can you add a bottle of shampoo, an extra package of bar soap or some canned goods to your shopping list?  When you have the items in hand, stop by one of our offices and drop them in the box provided.  To find an office near you go to you will see a list of all our locations with phone numbers and addresses there.
This month be a Valentine to someone in need, "Share the Love".

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here's to the begining of a Great Relationship!

We are REMERICA Real Estate and we are entering the world of blogging!
We are "Michigan born" real estate company with 27 locations to serve all your real estate needs.
Visit us @

We titled this post they way we did because we are a company that endeavors to develop long term relationships with our clients.  At a recent gathering, one of our realtors stated that she was happy to have recently listed a home for the child of one of her first clients! That's who we are, and who we will continue to be, REMERICA-The Way Home!